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Squeeze Episode Synopsis

Episode 1X03: "Squeeze"

Original air date: September 24, 1993

Written by:
Glen Morgan
James Wong

Directed by:
Harry Longstreet

Guest stars:
Doug Hutchinson: Eugene Victor Tooms
Donal Logue: Tom Colton
Henry Beckman: Det. Frank Briggs
Kevin McNulty: Fuller
Terence Kelly: George Usher
Colleen Winton: Lie Detector Technician
James Bell: Johnson
Gary Hetherington: Kennedy
Rob Morton: Kramer
Paul Joyce: Mr. Werner

Short Synopsis:
Mulder and Scully try to stop a mutant killer, Eugene Tooms, who can
squeeze through the smallest spaces and awakens every 30 years to
commit murder.

Detailed Synopsis:
A businessman is murdered in his office by a killer who slithers in through an air vent. Tom Colton, an Academy friend of Scully's, tells her about the case. Three victims were found dead with no visible means of entry, and their livers ripped out by a bare hand.

Mulder joins the investigation, despite Colton's disdain for him. He finds a bizarre, elongated fingerprint at the crime scene near a vent, saying the killer "ought to stick out with ten-inch fingers." The print matches those found at previous murders happening every 30 years since 1903, each with five victims.

Mulder realizes the killer has two more murders to go and stakes out a previous crime scene. The agents catch a suspect, Eugene Tooms, slithering down a vent. An animal control officer, Tooms claims he was looking for a dead animal in the vent after getting reports of a bad smell coming from the air ducts. Tooms passes polygraph test and is set free. Afterwards, Mulder discovers that Tooms' fingerprints, when stretched by computer analysis, match the ones at the murder sites.

Tooms soon kills again by gliding down a chimney to commit the crime. With one murder left in his cycle, Mulder says "if we don't catch him now, we won't have another chance till 2023." Mulder and Scully find the detective who investigated the murders from 1963, who says he knew the same man was involved in '33. He shows them a picture of Tooms from 30 years ago, and he hasn't aged at all.

Going to the condemned building where Tooms lived in the '60s, Mulder and Scully find a strange nest made out of newspapers and bile. Mulder assumes that Tooms is a mutant who must satisfy his need for human livers every 30 years and then hibernates. Tooms, who has taken a small momento from each of his victims, watches from above and finds a necklace dropped by Scully.

Scully returns home, followed by Tooms. When Mulder goes back to Tooms's lair and sees the necklace, he realizes that Tooms intends to make Scully his next victim and rushes to her apartment. Mulder arrives just in time and captures Tooms.

In his cell,Tooms starts making another nest. When a guard comes to bring him food through a small opening, he looks at the opening, and smiles.