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Episode I: The Phantom Menace


Here's some handy tricks for the game.


Debug mode
At the main menu, highlight "Options", but do not select it. Press Triangle, Circle, Left, L1, R2, Square, Circle, Left. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a beep. Then, hold L1 + Select + Triangle to access a droid test debug menu with level select, FMV sequence, sound test, and invincibility options. To start on a new selected level, exit the cheat menu and start a new game. The game will begin on the level selected. To watch the FMV sequences or hear the game sounds, highlight the desired clip and press X. Hold L1 + Select + Triangle to return to the menu at any time.

Here's a quick little hint. Frustrated you can't take out your lightsaber underwater. Well, go to the pause menu, go to the weapons menu, and select lightsaber. Bingo!


In Tatooine, there's an old woman who asks you to save her kid from Captain Neg. Agree to do so, but do not go up the stairs like she suggests. The security door will kill you. Instead, go back to the other house at the top of the stairs. Walk out the window onto the ledge. Walk to the corner of the ledge, then turn left, and walk a little more. Jump up onto the rope, and take it across the road. Jump onto the balcony and go through the house. Walk on the next ledge until you hit a dead end, then jump onto the next rope. Jump onto the balcony, and you're in Captain Neg's house! Go out back and there'll be two cages, one with the kid, and one with a large creature that breaks out and tries to kill you. Walk into the alley, and if the monster follows you it'll get stuck and only be able to deal minimal damage. Open the door and kill the guy shooting you, then go back, get the kid and take him to his mom. She'll give you an item that is usefull for trading for the parts you need for Anakin's Pod-Racer.
Lights Out When your in the Final Battle. Go in the one room where you can find Health and there is a chair above the thing that slides out for you to get health. Step on the chair and the lights should go out. But when you get off the chair the lights come back on.

Health Pack in the Swamps of Naboo On the second level The Swamps of Naboo when you get to the little place with all the Gungan frogs go to the left of the grass and you'll find a trail that ledds to a big health pack.

Beat Darth Maul Here's a way to kill Darth Maul without putting yourself in danger, as long as you still have the rocket launcher and/or grenades. After he kills Qui Gon, wait behind the last energy door. You'll be able to see him waiting around the corner. Staying behind the energy door, wait til it opens, then fire at Darth Maul with the rocket launcher. This may or may not bring up his health meter. Either way, it will hurt him. You may have to experiment to get the right angle. I was able to kill him by doing this, but you might have to finish him off with the light saber, depending on how much ammo you've got left.