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Ezyre History
FOE History
SpaceForc History

In the beginning there was darkness...
No, I won't start that far back. Let's just say, I have created a history that goes back that far. I have created ancient Ezyrian Hierglyphs. I have created actual languages. But I won't get into that much detail here. So, I think I will start at:

Approximately 200 years ago, Ezyre was divided up into many clans. Most were very small, but 2 major clans dominated the 2 largest continents. The Pragons occupied Prageous, and the Xenons occupied Xanos. These 2 clans waged constant battles against each other. Amidst there conflict, Xenons were able to launch a "satelitte" into orbit. This caused both clans to cease battle and concentrate on space vehicles. This cease in battle lasted 2 years, and is known in Ezyrian history as the 2 year Cease Fire Space Race. During this time, although Pragons did launch some space vehicles, they had concentrated on building thier combat equipment up. The 2 year cease fire was broken by the Pragons, who launched a major offensive against the Xenons. 5 years later, after Pragons had dominated the combat, 5 spacecraft were launched by the Xenons. Supposedly, Xenons collected 50 of thier highest ranking personnel and escaped to Grazyre. During the conflict, the 2 major clans were so involved with each other, they paid little, if any, attention to the third continent. Which during the conflict, most of the many tiny factions had fled to the third continent to get out of the way. These tiny factions joined to become one larger clan. They established a base deep below ground, which is now beneath the FOE HQ. Immediately following the Xenons escape, this new large unnamed clan, waged an offensive against the Pragons. The element of surprise, plus the remaining Xenons, plus the losses sustained to the Pragons, yeilded in the new clan a fairly easy victory. The new clan is often referred to as the FOE clan, because after the defeat of the remaining Xenons, and the Pragons, a new government and new laws were put into effect by the people of the new clan. Eccentially, establishing a very early form of the FOE. 50 years pass. Lots of clean up and rebuilding take place during this time. No information or communication about the fleeing Xenons ever surface during the 50 years. The time is now... This is where you come in...

This is a very brief history of Ezyre. In the future, I will insert a link here to a more complete account of the history. But for now this is it.

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