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There are 2 main "modes" of play in AUX. The primary mode is called Freelance. And you maybe called a Freelancer at times. Everyone begins as a Freelance player. As a Freelancer, you need not follow any rules. Many lifestyles can be played as a Freelancer. Cops are played by Freelancers, hired by a governing body. Space Pirates are played by Freelancers. You maybe a Freelance explorer. You maybe a transport pilot, either hired or in command of your own ship. You may choose to try to be a Free Freelancer, where by you provide services to others cost free.

By now I am sure you see there is an internal money system. This may or may not be a Freelancers primary concern or goal. It depends on you. If you only choose to hang out at Entrance Park and chat, or chat in other areas, you won't have much need for in-game money. In-game money is called Universal Credits, or UCs for short. Costs for things will vary, depending on what the merchants decide to charge for things. The FOE sets standard costs for things, which merchants may or may not choose to follow. Some examples of things that need purchasing are: Shuttles, SpacShips, land vehicles, fuel, building supplies, and some other things. (I haven't ye decided on the list of things or if I should charge people for building supplies. But if I do, then there will be more "purpose" in the game. I may also choose to have certain areas that have cost free building.)

For the record:

In-Game money cannot be transferred for real money. You cannot buy more in-game credits nor can you use in-game credits to pay for lives. In-game credits are strictly used in-game.

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