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General Information

Alternate Universe X, or AUX, is a 3D virtual reality universe. Many things are possible within this universe. You may chat. You may explore planets. You may travel amongst the stars. You may engage in battles. You may colonize planets. You can help build structures on planets. You may build spacecraft. You may begin a trade business. You may choose to be a space pirate, although not recommended.

You choose the way you live in this universe. You are only limited by what you want to do, and maybe a few real life issues.

There are a few special considerations you should take into account as you play this game.

Firstly: This game is online.
Therefore, you need to understand the way in which online games basically function. Each player that connects to the server must be cycled. This means no two players can be on the same step. Although it is possible to make a program run quickly enough to make this limitation as invisible as possible. You may experience "lag", which is a slight stall in the transfer of information. You may get disconnected from your ISP, which will in turn disconnect you from the AUX server. You mostly only need to worry about internet lag and disconnections if you choose to do combat. But for chatting and exploring, the lag or disconnection simply puts you out of the game till you return. For those of you wishing to engage in combat, please read the section on Combat.

Second: The Universal Size.
This is a space simualtion 3D virtual reality UNIVERSE !!! It is huge. But, I have decided to scale down the universe greatly. I did not think it would be fun to take a month(s) to literally go to another planet in the same solar system, as it would in real life. So instead of months it may take around 30 mins, depending on the distance. But even though I have scaled the universe down greatly, it could still take a year to travel from one end of the universe to the other. You cannot exit the universe. If you travel beyond the universe limits, you will be wrapped around to the other side. For example, if you go past the +X axis limit, you will emerge on the -X side of the universe. The only way you would be able to notice is by looking at the coordinates.

Third: Eventually it will cost money to play this game.
The only purpose I have for charging money at all is for the support it will take to run the servers for this game. I will begin it on one server. The server must have the best possible internet connection I can afford. Eventually one server will not be enough. I foresee it taking about 4 server computers to host this game, but that also depends on how many people I have trying to play. Simply, the more people that try to play the more servers I will need to support them. Each server will have to have thier own internet connection. I have chosen a charging system that seems fair to me. Even though many people would say the only cost that is fair is free, but that isn't true. Its going to cost me money to support my game, and I am going to need help in supporting it.

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