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Topic: General Mutterings
Another early morning! And both because of the job centre. I ask ya, what is this world coming to? Now if it was a job I could understand... Just kidding. It's nice to be up early, and I did manage to get to bed quite early last night (well, before 01:00 am, which is very early for me!) after watching the final episode of "Spearhead from Space" and the first episode of "The Robots of Death". Quite a gap in the stories there, but alas my viewing through my Doctor Who DVDs in chronological order is all over the place since I don't own all of them... still, four DVDs in and four Doctors in, which seems a good ratio.
Had a bit of laugh last night, a discussion over a character created for a fan site, wherein the "creator" of the character retracted the rights for the character to be used because we didn't agree with him on how she should be developed. I mean, what? Retracting rights on a character created for FAN FICTION? *L* Oh please. Can someone say pretentious? Funniest bit was when he told me my ego is overblown, which is quite funny since there are people who have known me for years and KNOW I have no ego as far as my writing goes. Always seeking to improve, always tweaking, always taking onboard the opinions of others. Let's talk about ego, shall we? Ego is thinking a character created for FAN FICTION is important enough to support a "spin-off" series, and by creating that character you have some power over other writers. Ego is being told something about your character you don't like and as a result storming off with said character, like a boy taking his toys with him so the other kids can't play.
Ego! Ha! Haha! Hahahahahahaha!
There, my rant is out of the way.
So, today... Main thing is to focus on the rewrites of "The Lunar Inheritance". It's really tough getting back into this story since the first draft was finished back in April and for various reasons I cannot go into it's only now that we get to redraft it. A long gap between rewrites, and a bitch to get back into. Still, once me and Dinn have talked about it today I'm, sure I'll be all enthused again. Plus we have to brainstorm some other ideas to pitch to another company...
Once LI is finished I shall plow straight into "Re: Genesis" which needs to be finished by the end of October.
Ah, it's a mixture of happy and sad this week. Sad because my mate Simon has gone off to Canada for a year, which is a good thing for him, but a sad thing too since the only contact we'll have now is through email every once in a while. And I've only recently got back in touch with him after five years... He will be missed. Still, I'm happy cause on Sunday I get to see Daniel again, my little protoge who I've not seen for almost three years. He'll be here for a week, so don't expect to see me online much next week.
Anyway, need to head off in a bit...