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Topic: General Mutterings
Yay. Finished the outline for "Re: Genesis", which is an amazing thing since I don't usually like writing synopses at all, but since starting work on "The Lunar Inheritance" back in Feb I've to like them. Crazy, so what Noise Monster Productions has done to me? They're turning into a pro writer! Eeek!
I think "Re: Genesis" is going to be quite well recieved, it draws a few parallels with "Genesis of the Daleks" while managing to maintain it's own plot and throws a few unexpected curve balls. At least I think so, but we'll see what the punters think.
Been a lazy weekend really. Getting used to not having Daniel about again has been annoyingly slow work, but I've been catching up with my house work, plus the writing, and even chatting to Becky - two hours on the phone. Wonderful stuff. Of course she would choose to call me just as I laid on the sofa to read "Blindsighted". I swear she planned it. *L*
Currently waiting on either the phone to ring again (this time Betty) or Andy (or Daniel) to come on MSN for another long (sometimes drunk in Dan's case) natter.
Catch ya later.
Written by Andy
at 10:14 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 18 September 2005 10:16 PM BST
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Updated: Sunday, 18 September 2005 10:16 PM BST
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