
Now Playing: Time is On My Side
Topic: General Mutterings
The end of September now, and it's amazing how quickly time is passing.
Not that I want to blink and have it be November. I still have two stories to write and though I know what I have to write and it's clear in my mind, but to sit down and type is always more difficult for me. Partially because I'm such a poor typist, correcting my mistakes interrupts my train of thought, and then I get annoyed at my slow progress.
At the moment, "The Scarlet Letters" has my interest more than "Judgement Day" probably because it's a short story and will be easier for me to complete. Tardis' scenes in Judgement Day require a lot more planning..
Still I have time...
And it might be that I'll have an easier time getting ready for my holiday in Wales. Here's hoping..