
Topic: Writing
From Betty
Clearing off the cobwebs on this blog, I finally have the time and ambition for another entry.
Well Christmas and New Year's have come and gone all too quickly and now what? A post holiday letdown? Maybe a little. But I have two writing projects to do plus my real life job and family duties. Yes, it is a little more stressful for me now. A bump in the road for "Judgement Day" but thankfully that just worked itself out and I can resume my plans for it. yay.
Yet as I gather my notes and work on it again, I realize Andy may be right in that I'm a little rusty
as a writer. I haven't written any prose in a while and poetry, which is never far from my heart works different muscles in my brain. Where poetry is concise, lyrical, brief- well compared to a novella- prose writing for a short story demands different qualities. More description, dialogue, dramatic action and tension, etcetera. I am out of practice.
And how do I remedy that? Write. Aa simple as that. Remembering what I did in high school as a requirement for one of my courses, we all had to write a journal and make entries almost every day. That required a lot of thought and creativity and discipline. The more you do something, the better you should become at it, especially if it's something you enjoy.
So I shall write something every day. I don't expect it will be easy, heck writing those Ruins of Self 2 scenes took a lot of effort and was difficult, and that finished story is something I am proud of.
So time to stop procrastinating and resume. I hope no other bumps in the road pop up, but I'm going to try and maintain a positive attitude. That's helped me before.
Till next time
life goes on.