It's been a long time...
Now Playing: Michael Jackson - "BAD" (the album)
Topic: General Mutterings
Yes yes, I haven't written in this for ages. I know. I get reminded about it daily from Her Nibs in the States. So here I am...
Quick update. Went to see INAPT play their first gig and they were amazing! My little brother is going to go so far... can't believe he can play the guitar soooo well. Woohoo! Also met up with Vicky and few other friends while in Southend, and decided that I am definitely moving back there ASAP. (After the hours and hours of chatting with Dan I just know that's where I should be. Near my little bro again.) Also got reunited with the rest of the Balls (including the Bitch that is Dan's mother - a woman I will never ever forgive), which was great fun. Amazing how people can change in two and a half years. Finally met Dan's girlfriend, the lovely and funny Stef. He adores that girl... bless. That look so good together. Also met Simon's (Dan's brother) girlfriend, her Hobnobness, Michelle. She cracks me up. So quirky. Wonderful!
Writing wise, things are progressing. "The Lunar Inheritance" is being recorded very soon indeed, although I doubt I will be able to attend. "The Solar System" came out today, although I have yet to recieve my two contributors' copies - so, Dan, little bro you'll have to wait for yours! This is where I wait to see what the reviews are like... it's a little bit oddball my story in that collection, but hopefully people will like it.
THE LEGACY is also gathering pace. Been heavily re-editing all the available stories, turning them into proper e-books, with only two and a half to go. Been great fun, and amazing how much I forgot. What is also amazing is how rich a history THE LEGACY has developed these last four and a half years, as I am not beginning to see thanks to Ewen Campion-Clarke's ever expanding "Discontinuity Guide". Season Five is almost ready, and six is in the planning stage, plus I have put the feelers out for season seven authors.
So, everything is peachy. If I was in Southend now my life would be pretty much complete.
Oh, and Betty will be visiting soon... so better get the fish wet and ready.