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"So it was you in the office, then? And at the dinner table?" His Scottish accent made the words roll so smoothly from his tongue that Laura could barely keep her eyes open.

The infirmary was as quiet as it could be. The only sound penetrating the night was the soft beep of monitors and the occasional sounds of the guards passing.

Rodney was in his own bed resting, but she'd been ordered to stay in the infirmary one more night. After all, her body and mind had been through a lot. She was just beginning to regain strength in her arms and legs, and the numbness in her face was starting to fade.

It might have something to do with the way her blood raced whenever Dr. Beckett was around.

"What if I said yes?"

"I'd be very relieved. Otherwise, Rodney and I would be having a very serious talk. From a distance." Laura couldn't help but laugh. Never, in her wildest dreams, would she have imagined having a casual conversation with this man. He was a scientist and she was a soldier, they barely saw each other and when they did, they were either in the field, or in Rodney's head, or passing briefly in the mess.

"I didn't think I'd have another chance..." She wanted to tell him that she’d wanted to touch his cheek the way she'd done too often in the last few days. There was something about his humor, the way he smiled, the color of his soft eyes that made her stare dumbly from across the room. But now that she'd lost the facade of Rodney's body, she was herself again. Blushing Laura Cadman, who'd kissed this man, while she was in a man's body, in front of the whole Atlantis scientific team, and the site’s two head officers. She was going to get court-marshaled as soon as they got back.

Her breath caught as he reached up and brushed back her limp hair. I must look horrible, she thought.

"So what are you doing for dinner tomorrow? I know this great place downstairs that serves a wonderful macaroni and cheese." He smiled as he lay his hand over hers, the same way he'd done the day before. Only this time his thumb stroked her palm and shivers ran up her spine.

"I guess it beats vegetable soup two nights straight." She tried to hide the blush rising in her cheeks but she knew it was no use.

Carson leaned in a little, as if to keep a secret from some unknown source.

"Just promise me," He whispered "that if you decide to kiss me again, it'll be in your body. You're the better sight, I'll tell you that." Laura didn't remember blushing this much as a teenager, no matter how cute the guy was. Her cheeks were hurting from smiling so much.

"I promise."

"You should get some rest. I can't have you falling asleep at dinner." He made no move to leave and she could have kissed him for that, if she hadn't been so tired.

"Thank you." She blinked slowly as her eyes finally threatened to close.

"You're more than welcome." This time, it was him who was smiling and it was the most beautiful thing she'd seen in the past four days.

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