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Day 1 - May 26th, 2006

JT, after 31 1/2 hours of travel and 3 hours of sleep:

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The flypak, apparently in stealth mode:

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The crew unloading it. The man in the purple skirt (I'm not sure what it is called) is the driver. He and his teenaged son are living in the cab of the truck that brought the flypak.

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The fuel truck. The fuel is in barrels and it is pumped into the generators with a garden hose!

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A tin fence had to be erected to keep the Maharajah's horses, along with other animals
and people, out of the compound, since the Palace grounds are open
to the public while they're setting up.

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Nothing exciting so far, but it sounds VERY exotic, from what JT says. More pictures to follow.

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