The planet Mobius, which recently joined the Commonwealth, has asked the Andromeda crew for protection against the Machenite warship Basilisk, which is threatening their planet. Rommie has gone undercover to meet with Kim, one of the designers of the Basilisk. But after Tyr, Harper and Rev Bem on the Maru drop her off, a Machenite security force led by a man named Carter raids Kim's apartment. While Rommie helps Kim escape -- even though he doesn't trust her once he learns she's an android -- the Maru comes under attack and sinks deep into an oceanic trench. A recent addition to the Commonwealth, the planet Mobius, asks for Andromeda's help against a warship the Machenite Basilisk that is threatening to attack them. Rommie is sent undercover to find Kim, a man who helped design the Basilisk.
When Rommie arrives at the guys apartment a security force enters she helps him escape. The two elude the security team (whose leader is named Carter) but Kim doesn't trust Rommie when he finds out she is an AI - AI's are feared and hated on the planet.
Meanwhile the Maru's presence is detected and is severely damaged, crashing into an ocean. The Maru is crippled and begins sinking. Harper sets about fixing it but because he is stressed, he overdoses on his medication and slips into a coma.
Rommie's situation worsens. Her presence is discovered and she is chased through the city trying to protect Kim. Lots of kick-ass action ensues that only Rommie is capable of.
With no-one to fix the ship, Tyr and Rev have no way to stop the ship filling with water. Another additional problem arises. There is only one suit. Magog can survive in water for some time so Tyr is faced with a decision - who dies, him or Harper.
Kim gives Rommie information on the Basilisk, revealing that the Machenite government has installed parts from a Magog swarm ship.
Carter finds Rommie and kills Kim, leaving Rommie free to find and disable the Magog ship. She finds the city's reactor and sets it to explode to get Carter off her back. He reveals himself to be an AI too. One funky battle later, Rommie kills him and takes the Magog ship.
On the Maru Tyr finally makes his decision and puts Harper in the suit. He will risk surviving in the water. Because he is a Nietzchien, he might be able to live through the hypothermia and oxygen deprivation.
Luckily, everything turns out fine. Tyr tells Harper that it will never happen again when he thanks him for saving his life. Rommie kicks some booty and they all live happily ever after. Until the next episode.
A lot of people criticized this
episode for ripping off the Matrix, stunts wise. Cool fight scenes are always
recycled from something else. There aren't too many original ideas left in the
world, just revamped old ones, so stop complaining.
This episode was my favourite
since the season opener. All I had to do was ignore the reasons people were in
their situations and concentrate on how to get out of them. Yeah, the plot was
hard to follow but I got the jist and it was still great.
There was a lot of suspense with
both the Rommie and Kim situation and Harper, Tyr and Rev sinking in the Maru.