I liked this episode. It had mystrey and intrigue, and some new aliens!

For the first time in a while we see some negotiations with an alien race and we actually get the idea that Dylan is in fact trying to restore the Commonwealth.

But, things go wrong and the crew end up under suspicion of murder. It's a little obvious that one of the aliens did it, (or it was to me, maybe it's because I watch too much tv :) ) but it's still interesting seeing how everyone becomes under suspicion, even Andromeda herself.

I thought it was really sweet how Harper 'admitted' to it even though he had nothing to do with the murder. But it was mean of Dylan to just laugh it off.

When the killer was uncovered I felt like shouting 'About time! It's always the person you least expect, you idiots!' But then Dylan or one of the crew would of been very unexpected....uh-oh, here comes that confusion....

I enjoyed this episode because I like a good mystery, even though it kinda wasn't. Well, you know what I mean.
