Special Thanks To:
There are two people that inspired me to create a anime fanfiction site. One of them was my friend Justin whom I met over the internet while playing a dbz rpg. We became great buds and we pretty much help eachother out. He is the owner of my first affliate "Neon Genesis". The other person that inspired me to create a anime site was a girl at my school very quiet. But through the years as I got to know her a bit she kinda suprised me and I realized that she wasn't as quiet as I thought she was. Her name is Mai Vang she introduced me to the anime known as Rurouni Kenshin. She gave me several tapes each about 5 hours long, it took me like 1 month or 2 to watch all the episodes. So for this I would like to tell them both thank you!!!
Happy New Year!!! Welcome to Anime Manga, where you can find out everything, discover everything, and see everything there is to see about japanese animation. I am your host the Legendary God of Crimson Zero. I am the sitemaster of this site. Unfortunatley this site is not opened to the public only to my friends, and whoever else I let see the site. Some things that are going to be on this site are downloadable music vids that I have created, full anime episodes, anime pics, and some of my own creations, rom and emulator downloads, and then some. I hope you enjoy your visit at this site enjoy!!!
My first goal for this month is to complete the image gallary, and the multimedia section hopefully in about 3 weeks it shall be completed wish me luck!!
Hey!! sorry for the lack of updates on the site been busy with work and all. Anyway I just wanted to tell everybody that I almost have the Roms section complete. So far I have added most of the DBZ roms, more will come soon. Also I figured out that the mulimedia section will probably be the hardest because all my music vids and stuff take up alot of space so I have to figure out another way I am going to do it. I am pretty sure that I will begin updating the Multimedia section of the site next month. And after that I start feeling in with my anime fanfiction which is what happens, and what goes on in each anime, who are the main people, and episode descriptions, etc.
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Thanks for the hits guys!!!