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-DBZ Pics-

-Kenshin Pics-

-Neon Genesis Pics-

-Guyver Pics-

-Tenchi Muyou Pics-

-Sailor Moon Pics-

-Ghost In The Shell Pics-

-Akira Pics-

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Gallery Introduction:

Welcome to Anime Manga's picture gallery here we have a wide variety of pictures brought to you by different japanese anime's. To enter the gallery simply click one of the pictures on the left each of the pictures are labled so you know which anime to go into. Feel free to use any of these pics, as long as you give my site some credit for them such as link my site to yours etc. Also NOTE!! this does not account to pictures that are in my gallary with all my pictures I have drawn and put on the site. Please do not use my pictures and try to claim them as your own. If you have any pictures you would like me to add email them to and I will add them as soon as I can.

Thanks for the hits guys!!!


Not Affilliated:

Saiyan Island

Let It Burn