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Erin's Holiday Fonts has moved to

The reason for this is to help the pages load faster for YOU! Angelfire's Banners are TOO big and make loading time much slower. So I am paying for an account at WTV-Zone to help the loading time. I have re-made this Front Page, Halloween Fonts & Dings,Thanksgiving,Christmas& Valentines Fonts & the Links page in WTV-Zone. Please Bookmark the NEW WTV-Zone url above. I have all the same Font pages there that I have here but they load better. The pages I have re-done in WTV-Zone load MUCH faster than here in Angelfire. I will Take down everything in here except the Site banner that will be linked to the new URl when I am all moved. Thank You for your understanding. Erin

TTF Font Tutorial

If you have any questions just E-MAIL ME .