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The races here are depictions of the races that live here, anyone can be
any of the races listed here on this page.

The Human race are the stock of Humankind on Earth.
Earth is the primary planet where the Earth Alliance
government is based.
The Earth Alliance is the political entity that
governs Earth & its colonies.  Its administrative
headquarters, EarthDome, are located in Geneva,
Switzerland.  The Earth Alliance is governed by a
President & Senate, composed of representatives from
the various nations/consortiums on Earth and its

EarthForce, the military arm of the Earth Alliance, is
in charge of all military vessels, outposts &
Prior to June 2260, the Babylon 5 space station was
under the jurisdiction of the Earth Alliance and
commanded by an EarthForce officer.

The Minbari are a race of bipedal, intelligent aliens
that slightly resemble Humans.  Minbari are easily
recognized by a bone crest that covers the sides &
backs of their heads, pale skin and pigmentation
markings on their hairless scalps--starting at the
back of their heads.  Minbari are known to enter into
quiet introspection and observe daily customs &
rituals.  Minbari society is divided into three
castes--Warrior, Religious & Worker.  The Minbari
Federation is based on Minbar (the Minbari homeworld),
in the city of Yedor.  The Federation is governed by
the Grey Council, a nine-member panel representing all
three castes.

One of the most revered figures in Minbari history is
Valen, who lead the fight against the Shadows in the
Great War (1260-1261).  Valen founded the Grey Council
and the elite fighting force known as the Anla'shok
(Rangers) to unite the Minbari in the Great War and
force the Shadows into hiding.  The fate of Valen
after the year 1360 remains a mystery.  To this day,
Minbari speak of him as having "traveled beyond" and
continue to await his return.

In July 2245, an EarthForce fleet encountered a
Minbari warship at the edge of their space for the
first time.  The commander of the lead EarthForce ship
mistook the Minbari warship's opened gunports as a
prelude to attack.  The EarthForce ship fired, causing
heavy damage to the Minbari vessel and the death of
Dukhat, their leader.  What followed was three years
of war as the Minbari sought revenge against the
Humans for killing Dukhat.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties, culminating in
2248 with the Battle of the Line.  As the Minbari
fleet was poised for the final assault on Earth, a
member of their ruling Grey Council chose to bring an
EarthForce fighter pilot on board for questioning.
What the council found upon further interrogation of
the Human, Jeffrey David Sinclair, would shock the
council and compell them to stop the war.  Suddenly
all Minbari ships were recalled.  The Minbari
surrendered and to this day no one knows why they
did... except those of the Minbari religious caste who
were there when Sinclair was interrogated.

The Minbari Federation contributed to the funding of
the Babylon 5 space station and, upon completion,
requested the final say on who was selected as station
commander.  Their choice, Jeffrey Sinclair, took
command on March 9, 2256.  When the station declared
its independence from the Earth Alliance in June 2660,
a fleet of Minbari cruisers came to defend the station
against an EarthForce attack fleet.  The attackers
from Earth were forced to retreat into hyperspace.

The city of Tuzanor, known as the "City of Sorrows,"
holds a special place in Minbari society.  The ancient
city was once the site of a battle where over one
million Minbari warriors were killed in one day.
Shocked by the death toll, both sides reached a
peaceful solution to their conflict and dedicated the
site to peace, healing & prophesy.  Valen chose
Tuzanor for the first gathering of the Rangers and
their first training compound.  The proverb, "To dream
in the City of Sorrows is to dream of a better
future," is taken to heart among the young Minbari,
who make pilgrimages there (at least once in their
lives).  In 2262, Tuzanor became the headquarters of
the Interstellar Alliance.

Narn Regime
The Narn are a race of bipedal, intelligent,
reptilian-like aliens that are somewhat militaristic.
The race's homeworld is also known as Narn.

By tradition, young Narn pouchlings have temporary
names until they reach the age of 10.  At that time,
they choose their adult names based on their religious
beliefs.  An example of these naming conventions is
one-time Ambassador G'Kar, who chose his name as a
follower of the teachings of G'Quan.

The Narn Regime is governed by the Kha'Ri, a war
council of sorts.  The Narn were basically independent
farmers and laborers until the Centauri Republic
invaded their planet and conquered them in 2131.  The
Centauri would be driven from Narn 100 years later.

After the Shadow War of 2259-2261, the Narn and
Centauri made peace and became charter members of the
Interstellar Alliance (ISA) in early 2262.  Later that
year, the Centauri Republic withdrew from the Alliance
when it was discovered that they were attacking ISA
shipping lanes without regard to who or what the ships
were carrying.

The Centauri Republic
The Centauri Republic were  the first aliens that the humans
encountered by the human race. Physically they look exactly like Humans,
in fact they clain the Earth was a lost colony which was retracted when the
humans discovered t hat the similarities wrent wso great after all.
female Centauri are bald, Centauri males wear their hair up in a peacock
style fashion,in different lengths to show social standings.
The Family is very important to the Centauri, Centauri Status and Honor
come from His or Her family,and marriages are usually to join leading
republic Houses. Centauri Prime, the Homeworld which is located 75
lightyears from Babylon 5, was once inhabited by 2 sentient species,
The Centauri and the Xon, until the Centauri annihilated the Xon.
At the end of each year since then, the Centauri have held a religious
        celebration during which they count the dead Xon and thank the gods for
       for  good fortune. The Centauri worship approxinately 50 gods, including Li,
        goddess of passion, Venzann, god of food, and Mogath, god of the
        underworld. A once and mighty Empire,at the height of it's power, Centauri  Empire has panned the Galaxy. It had begun its decline in the 22nd century as a result of their decadance and their over ambition.
Consequently the Empire was forced to leave many that they had conquered,
Imcluding the Narn Regime. This was thanks to Ambassador Molari's Alliance with the Shadow, however the Republic regained its former glory by reconquering The Narn Regime,and many of the Non Allligned Worlds in 2259
and in 2260. The Centauri Republic is ruled by the Emperor on their Homeworld Centauri Prime. They believe they can predict their deaths (the Centauri) and many including Londo have had visions of their deaths in their dreams.