Synopsis: SG-1 gate to a planet where they discover that the Mongol way of life never died out, and that women are valued for trade. In the middle of the night Captain Carter is kidnapped and traded to an enemy tribe, and it is up to the remaining members of the team to get her back safely without starting a war on the planet.
“What a mess.” Daniel’s thinking that it obviously looks like his place
As for the running scene, surely that wasn’t their best take?
Daniel forgets Jack’s name, and refers to Sam by her salutation, not her rank
Jack’s obviously noticed that Sam is a woman!
Handy loophole there
Yes, but Daniel’s not a woman (We’re an observant bunch too!)
Jack enjoys the idea of Carter being ‘properly attired’ far too much
The articulate linguist is lost for words!
Oh my God! The way he draws out the syllables in Samantha!
Jack enjoys seeing his 2IC dressed like that more than he’s supposed to
She’s hoping for better luck next time... the next episode is “The Broca Divide” and we all know what happens in that!
Daniel’s still calling her Doctor; not captain
Daniel covers his eyes when entering Sam’s tent.
Jack doesn’t promise that no one will get hurt
The Mongols obviously aren’t advanced enough to have side-saddle, but with skirts like those...
Daniel is being rather nosy...
And Sam mutilates some vegetables
Does Turgin actually beat her? It sounds like it, and would explain her change of clothing
Jack’s very passionate about keeping Sam safe, although we would hope that he’d be like that with any team member
Sam the arsonist!
Jack doesn’t like the idea of Sam being anyone’s wife (except perhaps his)
Jack gets fed up with the negotiations
Daniel looks really uncomfortable on that horse
Daniel obviously has no idea what happened on P3X-595
When Daniel explains that the madness is love, Sam’s eyes flicker to Jack and Teal looks away from Jack!
He’s so proud of her!
My verdict: I like this episode. There’s a nice bit of Sam and Jack ship (even if it probably is a bit early on the series to be projecting this hard!). Yes, there are some clichés in it (fight to the death, women being inferior then proving they’re not) but not everything has to be this deep meaningful insight into life, the universe and everything. I think it’s a good showcase for showing how well the team has bonded together in-between “The Enemy Within” and “Emancipation” and there’s also the humour, which I always enjoy
Best line: “Damn, guess I'm going to have to cancel that Oprah interview.” O'Neill
“What is an Oprah?” Teal'c
Best scene: Where the men of SG-1 see Sam in her dress for the first time, or, when they’re all gathered around the campfire after her rescue.