Synopsis: When a beautiful female arrives on base, claiming to be Hathor, the men are immediately put under her spell. However, the Goa’uld didn’t recon on the women of the command, who risk their lives and careers to prevent a three thousand year old alien from taking over the base.
Well, they’re all gonna die, aren’t they (Archaeologists are the red shirts of Stargate!)
Ya think!
Well that was clever!
Overkill on the eye makeup
Shouldn’t Daniel recognise the pictographs for Hathor on the sarcophagus? And he calls himself an Egyptologist!
Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll – trust Jack
No one notices the purple smoke stuff coming from her mouth?
Ra is on the entertainment level in the Luxor
Did they have marble in Ancient Egypt?
Sam’s perfect for Jack – she’s the only one who laughs at his jokes.
Sam obviously hasn’t had enough coffee yet!
My God – could that split be any higher?
Does Hathor realise at first that her purple stuff doesn’t work on Teal’c?
Love how Sam turns to Jack, and she is very, very worried when he goes zombie-like
Jack’s really uncomfortable with how close she is to him
Daniel dying means absolutely nothing because he always comes back to life
Gotta love Daniel’s idea of “watching”
And some more purple stuff
The SGC relies on the net far too much in my humble opinion
Janet’s already claimed the men of the SGC
Sam reminds Janet that they are in the Air Force
What other species would they mate with? Surely most of the galaxy is populated by humans. And don’t suggest mating with the Unas because that’s just icky!
Let’s make sure Sam never teaches weapon training at the Academy (“Just point and shoot!”)
And Daniel is completely out of it. They need to start him on a caffeine IV ASAP
Never try to outsmart Janet
Being the girl can be a good thing sometimes
Janet has such an innocent look on her face when she comes out with ‘libidinous’
It looks like Jack’s feeding on Hathor a la vampire style
No! Jack’s been Jaffaed! (I don’t care if that’s not a word!)
Janet’s enjoying herself far too much!
Janet’s remarkably serene about Sam knocking out a general
Goldfish tank!
Jack’s being referred to as a child, which serves him right for calling the rest of his team ‘kids’ all the time
Teal’c reassures Sam that Jack’s gonna be okay
That was quick
How the hell did Hathor know Jack was in there?
Sam sneaks a quick look at Jack’s stomach (can you blame her?)
How does Janet treat her own wound?
See Hathor walk out the door
Obviously they have a pre-recorded voice for gate activation
She should really think, and actually listen to what he’s saying before replying!
My verdict: It was great seeing Sam and Janet kicking some ass! I really enjoyed this episode (and not just because we get to see Richard Dean Anderson’s bare chest!). I liked at the end when Sam wanted to explain to Hammond about why she had knocked him out, and didn’t realise what he was saying at first. (Did anything actually come from their commendation recommendations or not? And what could Hammond have actually said they’ve done?) Overall, I thought it was a great episode with giggle-worthy lines and definitely one to watch many times over (no, not just for Richard Dean Anderson’s bare chest for crying out loud!)
Best line: “All of the men on this base are under Hathor's control from what I can tell. I hate to break it to you, Teal'c, but you are male.” Carter
Best scene: Either Sam knocking out Hammond, or Sam ogling Jack’s stomach!
Jack’s words of wisdom: “Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll?”