
Synopsis: When a beautiful female arrives on base, claiming to be Hathor, the men are immediately put under her spell. However, the Goa’uld didn’t recon on the women of the command, who risk their lives and careers to prevent a three thousand year old alien from taking over the base.

My verdict: It was great seeing Sam and Janet kicking some ass! I really enjoyed this episode (and not just because we get to see Richard Dean Anderson’s bare chest!). I liked at the end when Sam wanted to explain to Hammond about why she had knocked him out, and didn’t realise what he was saying at first. (Did anything actually come from their commendation recommendations or not? And what could Hammond have actually said they’ve done?) Overall, I thought it was a great episode with giggle-worthy lines and definitely one to watch many times over (no, not just for Richard Dean Anderson’s bare chest for crying out loud!)

Best line: “All of the men on this base are under Hathor's control from what I can tell. I hate to break it to you, Teal'c, but you are male.” Carter

Best scene: Either Sam knocking out Hammond, or Sam ogling Jack’s stomach!

Jack’s words of wisdom: “Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll?”