Synopsis: After wrestling with an alien archaeologist, Jack and Teal’c find themselves reliving the same day over and over again. After convincing everyone that they’re not crazy, they must figure out a way to break the loop and allow everything to return to normal, as well as having a little fun along the way...
Damn! Latin is actually useful for something!
The old crayon and paper technique – yeah! *
Daniel (like Jack) has much confidence in Sam
“I don’t understand.” Now you know how Jack feels!
Sam cries “Colonel” – not Teal’c. Hmm... wonder why!
No, they didn’t turn into the Froot Loops! *
“What do you think?” A bit of a loaded question there!
They can spend half-an-hour in the commissary?! And they only appear to be halfway through their breakfast.
Jack obviously only listens to Carter
Jack reads reports? I’m with Daniel on the likeliness on that actually happening! (He’d be looking up every other word in a dictionary)
Jack likes being right (for once)
SG-12 have their very own Daniel
Janet thinks they’re nuts
Obviously Jack can only specifically remember what Carter was up to
Nice product placement there
Daniel’s not even safe in the SGC (another trip to the infirmary)
”1969.” Good episode.
Jack’s wishing that Sam would spend more time with him as opposed to running simulations. (Hmm, let’s see. Spend time with Jack/RDA or run simulations...)
Daniel can be very patronising
“Colonel O’Neill is correct” – not something heard very often!
“Bad example!” He’s full of them!
Jack needs to practise his maths (or at least his counting!)
Sam looked towards the gate
“Humour me” Janet was lucky that Teal’c didn’t take it literally and try a Jaffa joke
Jack obviously thinks that Daniel needs another excuse to go and see Janet
Hammond considers calling in Mackenzie
“What do you want?” Yet another loaded question
Jack’s now quoting Sam!
Jack’s not very trusting of the archaeologist
Ah, but Daniel’s an anthropologist and linguist as well remember. I mean, he is"Super-Danny!"
As we’ve seen in this episode, there’s no such thing as “just a question”
Janet really loves her penlight and I have to agree with Jack about what could possibly be in his eye to explain it!
Teal’c takes is silently, although they may be because of the thermometer in his mouth.
And I thought the only sparks that flew were between Sam and Jack
Teal’c really needs to know when to keep his mouth shut
Why am I really worried?
What did they expect with Sam sitting opposite him?
The world is coming to an end – Jack is correcting Daniel in languages
Teal’c – the first juggling Jaffa!
Jack makes his ten hour foray into the world of modern art
It’s too late for that now isn’t it?
Hence the title!
Where did he get the pottery wheel, the bike and the golf stuff from anyway?
Golf ball – unidentified flying object! (A way to defeat the Goa’uld “My Lord, the Tauri have been sending small white spherical objects at us through the Chapaii!”)
Woo hoo! Go Jack!
She kissed him back!
He’ll never be able to look at her the same way again!
Daniel is amazed that Jack actually helped, as opposed to hinder!
Jack tries not to remember the last time he encountered a force shield
Another flying object (although this one is identifiable!). And it nearly kills Daniel!
The professional archaeologist was unable to translate it in the time that it took Teal’c/Jack to convince everyone that they weren’t crazy and then get Danny to translate it
The thing was, Jack could have saved Charlie with time travel (although thanks to Sam and her definition of the Grandfather Paradox in 1969, he wouldn’t)
Nice to show Jack having come to terms with Charlie’s death
Sam’s really worried about the look Jack’s giving her! LOL
* Thanks to my neighbour Ashley for his invaluable views!
My verdict: First “Divide and Conquer,” now this... all on the same DVD!! One of the funniest episodes of Stargate I’ve seen. If you’re trying to persuade a friend that they should be watching this series, this is the episode to do it with. (Trust me, I tried it and it worked!) And with a lovely sense of continuity, and a chance to keep the Sam and Jack shippers happy, we have Jack sweeping Sam off her feet and kissing her like there’s no tomorrow (really, there was no tomorrow!)
Best line: “I ask you, what could possibly be in my eye that could explain this?” Jack O’Neill
Best scene: Jack sweeping Sam off her feet and kissing her. (Although close seconds include hitting the golf ball through the wormhole, and also Jack’s smouldering looks at Sam simply because they make me knees go weak)
Jack’s words of wisdom: “Lose it. It means to go crazy, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of one's faculties, three fries short of a happy meal, WHACKO!”
Quote from Richard Dean Anderson taken from the Stargate SG-1 Illustrated Companion. “I personally redid that scene [the kissing one] as many times as I could get away with.” (Added in the companion is “Ms Tapping was not available for comment.”)