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Counselor Deanna Troi

Name: Deanna Troi

Actresses Name: Marina Sirtis

Show/Book/Film: Star Trek: The Next Generation

Background: Deanna Troi was Counselor on the Enterprise D from its first mission in 2363, providing advice and support to the Captain on the Bridge as well as counselling the crew. Half-Betazoid and half-Human, Deanna has empathic powers that help her in dealing with alien races, but also make her vulnerable to psychic attack, as she has been subjected to some form of mind control at least seven times. Despite being possibly the most unlucky Starfleet officer ever, Deanna remains optimistic and professional at all times. Desired by many, Deanna only ever really had eyes for her longtime friend, Second-in-command Will Riker, whom she eventually married. Deanna’s Mother, Lwaxana, is a Federation Ambassador, and she has a little brother. Deanna never met a chocolate she didn’t like.

Some of her best moments:

Skin of Evil - After a shuttle accident, Deanna psyches out an evil creature.
The Child - Everyone is shocked when Deanna announces that she is pregnant.
The Loss - Deanna is horrified when she appears to have lost her empathic powers.
Night Terrors - Deanna saves the ship! Even if she looks pretty silly doing it.
Disaster - During an emergency, Deanna captains the Enterprise.
Man of the People - Deanna turns into a crazy bitch! Yeah!
A Fistful of Datas - Deanna plays the 'mysterious stranger' to Worf's Sheriff and Alexander's deputy.
Face of the Enemy - Deanna kicks ass when she is forced to pose as a Romulan.
Star Trek: First Contact - Deanna is in charge of Ground Control for humanity's first ever warp flight. Plus she drinks tequila.

For more information:

Marina Sirtis Official Site Deanna Troi Biography
Deanna Troi Fanlisting