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Aidan Durhani

Aidan's Stats:

Aidan's Tale:
Aidan Durhani was born in Sarlona, the nation of Reidra, in a small village outside of the capital city. Her parents, Deuis and Marai, worked hard to make a decent life for her and her two younger brothers. Her childhood was relatively normal for a Kalashtar, though she was acutely aware that they lived under a dark cloud. The rulers of her land were called the Inspired and they were cruel and oppressive. Her family knew there was a better life beyond their borders and eventually her mother and father packed up their family and attempted to sneak through the borders. When the guards came after them, Aidan's father sacrificed himself to allow his wife and children escape. They could see him being dragged away but there was nothing that could be done.

In spite of their differences, Marai and her children were human looking enough to be accepted in the small village where they finally settled. Marai proved to be a talented seamstress and earned a good living. She never gave up hope that Deuis would escape and find his way to where his family lived. Aidan began to feel a great restlessness to see more beyond their small village and with her mother's blessing, began to wander as she continued the education she had began back in Riedra. Much of what she learned is self taught, but she does very well.

Having arrived in the City of Passage recently, she has been carefully seeing the sights while avoiding trouble. Not always an easy task.


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