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Athlikus ir'Vas

Athlikus's Stats:

Athlikus's Tale:
Son of a shape-changing silver dragon and the human woman he fell in love with over the years, Athlikus ir'Valt, son of Kathryn ir'Valt, Ambassador from Thrane in the dwarven stronghold called the Mror Holds, is anything but human. From a distance, any might mistake the young man for any other human of Khorvaire, any close appraisal defies that belief in an instant. With golden eyes, a tanned hue to his flesh, and a majestic bearing, Athlikus tends to draw attention to himself no matter how subtle his movements among the nations.

Trained in his homeland by his mother, a cleric of the Silver Flame, in the ways of the mystic arts, it was the dwarves of the Mror Holds that sought to train the youth in the ways of battle. Living in their dangerous lands, fighting was a way of life, and all dwarves thought the unique boy needed every tool available to survive. No one could know that his faith was so pure, his heart so strong, that he could mold this warrior training into the tenets of paladinhood.

By the time Aggridarivus, the silver wyrm that fathered the unique holy warrior, found his son, Athlikus was already grown and well into his training. They spoke at length, and after some tough decisions, Athlikus left his home and followed the human-looking wyrm for the gnomish lands of Zilargo, where Aggridarivus made contacts within the Church of the Silver Flame. It was here that Athlikus would train with the Church, as well as his father, in the ways of the world, and it was here that Athlikus would discover the reason of his entire existence.

It was here he found the true nature of evil.

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