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Kylanth Anar

Kylanth's Stats:

Kylanth's Tale:
Not much is known about the man known as Kylanth... and he prefers to keep it that way. Hailing from distant Adar in Sarlona, he is a Kalashtar, a human host imbued with a quori spirit symbiotically at a specific age. Naturally psionic, the quori grants their host some of these abilities naturally, though others, more consciously chosen by the host, can be learned later. But for Kylanth this was not his only forte. Beyond the scope of even his own people, the Kalashtar held a respect and love for arcane arts that equaled his desire to expand his knowledge of the psionic arts. So against the better judgment of his people, as well as his family, Kylanth left their mountain retreat to journey into the flats of Reidra, braving Inspired patrols and sympathizers, to find a teacher in the way of the arcane arts.

His family did not see him again for nearly seven years, during which Kylanth had mastered the basics of his arcane studies, surpassing all of his teacher's expectations. None knew where the young Kalashtar had gone for his studies, nor even his teacher's name, but the results were obvious not long after his return. Apparently on the heels of his return, an Inspired patrol discovered the mountain fortress where Kylanth and his people made their home. He had barely been home more than a month, visiting family and friends not seen for many years, when they attacked.

Brutality, in its many forms, were a fact of life in Reidra, often spilling into neighboring Adar as the iron-fisted Inspired of Sarlona sought total domination of their continent. The quori that inhabited the Inspired were not the mild, symbiotic mates of the Kalashtar, rather cold, ruthless and utterly evil spirits that didn't share the soul of their host, they dominated it. Possessing nearly unlimited resources and a hatred for the Kalashtar that was unparalleled, their blistering assault was both unprovoked and shockingly effective. Hardly before they were aware of being under siege, the main thrust of the assault was finished, the backs of the defenders broken against the might of the Inspired horde. Kylanth lost his parents and most of his siblings in that first wave. He watched his youngest sister, only a teenager in human years, be cut down most horrifically by a squad of seven thralls. Despite his newfound prowess, in addition to his growing psionic abilities, Kylanth was powerless, in the grand scheme, to make much of a difference in the doomed struggle.

Kylanth escaped, along with many other refugees and eventaully found a home with others of his kind. This was where he met Aidan. Blessed with the abilities of a Soul Knife, the woman had been travelling the lands, escaping Inspired patrols and finding training where she could. Kylanth found a kindred spirit and with little trouble, he managed to become a trusted friend. The two left Sarlona not long afterwards, never looking back.


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