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Lin Ti

Lin's Stats:

Lin's Tale:
Lin Ti was a fledgling Wu Jen learning the secrets of his profession. Life was good so he took a wife, a young woman six years younger than he and they lived well for two years before they decided to move to another island where a well-known teacher resided. The trip would take six days over water.

Lin Ti’s wife was with child so the trip would be arduous for her, but she insisted they go. They packed up their belongings and boarded the small ship. The first two days were fine, the weather good, the breeze from the right direction. The third day out the weather turned. The wind picked up, coming from a different direction. The captain wasn’t too worried.

The next day the rain came followed by a great wind. Everyone but the crew were ordered into the makeshift cabin where they stayed until the great wave hit late that night. Confusion reigned as the boat began to sink from too much water. But before it sank completely it was torn apart by a giant wave. Fortunately Lin Ti had been holding onto his wife when it hit and they were both thrown overboard together.

In what seemed hours they both bobbed out of the water. Fortunately a large piece of floating wood was near and Lin Ti was able to pull them onto it. Neither had suffered any injury, but in the darkness and rain, they were unable to see anything. The next morning, they found themselves blown onto a narrow beach, the forest only yards from the water. There were no signs of any other survivors.

Deciding to keep to the beach they began to walk along it. When they reached a bend in the land, they discovered the remains of their boat, blown up onto the land. After calling out they found no one alive, though when they searched, they found their small chest with their belongings, though a bit wet. A few other necessities as well as some food was scavenged. One sea chest proved to be that of the captain and contained a small purse of gold as well as some weapons.

It was decided that they would continue along the beach as the travel would be easier for his wife. Three days later, they stumbled upon a small fishing village where they took refuge. Four days later, his wife went into labor and died during childbirth. Lin Ti was devastated. Vowing to go into the woods until the gods had forgiven him, he gathered his meager belongings. After the burial of his family, he walked into the woods, never to be seen in the village again.

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