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Sunder's Stats:

Sunder's Tale:
After the first couple years of programming and training for combat, he found himself on the front lines of Cyre. At first his duties were simple enough, follow the commander and fight till they breached the enemy lines and forced them to turn back and run. It wasn't as difficult as one might think though, if Warforged were not terrifying enough on their own, this bronze construct with its mighty Fullblade wielded in both hands was something to behold on the field. Few men purposely chose to stand before the strength of his steel and with the great weight of his blade he often cleaved through enemy weapons just as easily as through their flesh and bone. It was around the fifth year of his combat that the nickname Sunder started to stick. Not that he cared really one way or another; it did seem to make it easier for his human commanders to identify him easier, so he allowed it. Years and years rolled through this Great War, but it all seemed one long moment to Sunder. Like most of the other Warforged, he late at night spent time looking over the sleeping encampment, while he either worked out the minor dings in his own armor or any other mundane task that would keep his mind busy. When the sun rose again, so did the battle.

It was in the last six or seven years of the Great War that he was assigned to a forward shock troop unit, they had taken several losses and even though he wasn't the quietest one in the world, he did seem to move a little better than the average Warforged. It was during these last years that he met Kimber Swiftclaw and an elf named Tai. Even through brutal battles, the three of them always seemed to survive. It was on what most mortal beings called the Day of Mourning that the world quaked from a huge magical blast taking with it much of the countryside. Sunder and his two companions managed to survive, but there was nothing left they could do for Cyre, the country that he had been a part of was lost. That in and of itself weighed heavily upon the Warforged, because now he had no commander; but for Sunder that was only the beginning as his world continued to change. When finally the treaty was signed, Sunder found himself with nothing left to do. For several weeks he stood there on that last battlefield, waiting for his orders to come, which never would. He had no idea what it meant that he was "free". Like a monument to the men slain in that war, he was motionless, merely counting whatever was at hand to keep his mind busy while he tried to figure out what would come next. Perhaps it was fate, but Kimber was the one that happened upon Sunder first, standing out in the field. Grass had grown a little higher, up around the Warforged's ankles, but it didn't take much of a suggestion for Sunder to accompany for the Warforged to begin to follow. He wasn't sure where Kimber would head, but he was in the company of one of his comrades. It was better to be with those that called him friend, than to be "free" alone in the middle of the fields. More following than anything else, their journeys seemed to take them towards Khorivare.

Sunder's "Birth"

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Eberron: Nightmares from the Shadows