There are so many images on the news about the airliner crash this morning I don't know how to process them. Some houses on fire, some standing nearby untouched, the way a tornato might distroy a neighborhood. There was a woman who was interviewed, she was sleeping in her house, her yard faced the yard of the house that was hit. The reporter asked her if she thought there could be any survivers from the plane. The woman said that no, the plane was a fireball. The reporter then asked her, "What about your neighbors?" The woman totally missed the point the reporter was making; do you think the people in the house could have lived? The woman rattled on about how everyone was running from the other houses as if she couldn't let herself see that the people in that house were dead.
What can that be like, to have a plane crash into your home as you sleep? Or even as you watch tv? How long can you hear the sound of something screaming towards you when you let go of denial and try to escape?
I want to curl up and sleep until the world makes sense again.
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