What's been happening for me? How kind of you to ask. Last Wednesday my computer refused to recognize my hard drive.
"No!" it said hautily, "you have no hard drive."
"Ah, yes I do," I replied, rebooting.
"I can't hear you," said the computer, not meeting my eye. "And by the way, you don't have a hard drive."
Bob came up and looked at it and touched some wires tried to look at the DOS which he couldn't do because the system couldn't get over the fact that I could be so stupid as to think that I have a hard drive. So, on Thursday Bob's friend, Tom, came up and crawled under my desk and did something (I'm pretty sure that there was voodoo involoved) so that the computer finally noticed the hard drive ("Oh! There it is!") and I was able to sign on.
However, it worked only that one time. I thought it was fixed so all the files and pictures and music downloads that I had an opportunity to save are now lost.
Yesterday, Bob came back up and installed a hard drive so I can get on line and whatnot, and I have to mail off my old hard drive to the manufactures and hopefully they can fix it and I won't lose any of my stuff.
I don't hold much hope.
And what's new with you?
Tuesday, December 4

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