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Thursday, December 13

Oh, and I'm wearing my Grinch Slipper Socks because I have feet that are three sizes too big.


I want to start writing the new Susan story but I'm so worried that this hard drive will betray me and stop working. I have not reason to believe this will happen but then I had no way to know that my processor and hard drive would stop speaking the last time.

And yes, I have heard of floppy disks.

Smart asses. And nicely shaped, too.

I just read Linn's Blog I had forgotten how wonderful she is. I have this defense mechanism, if someone is too far away I have to distance myself mentally. Guess I can't do that anymore with Ms Linnie.

And now I'm off to clean out the refrigerator. I'm a little afraid to find out how much food I have that is actually eatable and how much has become sentient lifeforms.


Wednesday, December 12

I spent all day yesterday cleaning and doing dishes and today my back and legs hurt. And then to make matters worse, today I went with Diane to Costco to check it out and see if we want to get a card with them.

Now my feet hurt too.

I don't want to go to work tomorrow.


Monday, December 10

I don't have anything to say that isn't of the bitching ilk. Instead I give you this poem that, although it is written in my hand on the back of a scrap of paper with the logo of a company I where I temped nearly 12 years ago, I have no memory of writing.

The Absent Minded Poet.

How do I love thee?
I wish I could remember.
Let's see...
Your eyes are like
Those things up
In the darkness at night.
Your smile fills me
With a queezy, dizzy,
Flu-symtom-like feeling.
Your nose I don't recall at all.
Your hair -- oh your hair!--
Tis akin with strands of
Finest spun...spinnings.
How do I love thee?
I'm sorry what was I saying?

RAL 12/15/89


Sunday, December 9

I read in Tavie's Blog that all have arrived in New Jersey and are having a wee! of a time. I hope to read everything they have done in colorful detail in the coming days.

I need to keep my strength up, so I think I shall take a nap.

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