Once again it has been a long time since I blogged. This time I have a really good reason, I was evicted from my apartment and had to move 12 and a half years of crap to the East Bay. Oh, sure, I put some of it into storage but most of it is cluttered around me as I write this.
My friend, Lea, is letting me stay at her place and pay part of the rent. She's in New Mexico taking care of her grandmother and falling in love with Matthew. And who can blame her, he's wonderful, they make a very cute couple.
Anyway, I hurt my back moving my crap, took time off of work till I felt better, when I went back I was suspended for 3 days for taking time off to move. Christ--people.
To top everything else off, I was without a phone for a week. That's right, no conversation, no internet access. I wonder what level of hell that is.
Now, I'm feeling better, I've been able to clean up around here a bit, as it turns out I have 3 extra days to do so, the phone line is working and I'm not sleeping in a carboard box on the corner of O'Farrell and Polk.
All and all, it's looking up for the Rynnster.
Oh, and I'm still wondering why people aren't bitchslapped more often.
Saturday, June 29