I got to wake up at 4am today.
Got to. Heh.
I'm getting an EEG today and they decided that the best for a person to deal with the stress of having a majorly important medical test is to have them wake up way fucking early.
So that's what I'm doing.
I wasn't worried about this test at all, mostly because I thought that Kaiser had screwed it up and scheduled it by mistake, but even when I found out that I was going to have it, I was more upset about waking up at 4.
Did I mention that I've been up since 4? I did? Okay.
I don't even leave the house for another hour and a half.
OH! AND I don't get to have any coffee. Well, fuck me runnin'! 4am, no coffee; are they trying to make me kill someone? The only thing that made it easier to get up at 5am when I was working was the prospect of coffee. It's only 10 feet and a bit of gurgling way from a cup of coffee.
Must remember to ask hospital staff where the closest coffee place is.
Is it bad when your eyes feel like raisins? Or would that be prunes are far as size goes? No, prunes are juicer than raisins. If you're just tuning in; my eyes feel like really big raisins. I have eye drops, but do I trust myself to use them?
Holy jumpin' christ, it's not even 6am yet. Can't someone else do this for me so I can go back to sleep?
Thursday, May 15

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