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Thursday, August 21

If you don't count the bottom hem, I finished my new jacket tonight. It took a lot less time than the last one since I know have a sewing machine. I want to make a matching purse, but I'm a little sewed out at the moment. I could do the side panels, that would be easy then I could bead the flowers in the design.

I haven't made any jewlery in ages. I must remember to get my older stuff back from Samantha before she moves. She was holding onto it for the next time we went to the flea market, and then we never went again.

In other news, Diane will be back from her trip soon. I know it's going to be hard for her to come back after spending so much time with Ms Tara. It's that way for me no matter how much time I get to spent with Theanna it always hurts when we go our seperate ways.

Gotta go -- Real Sex is on, and it's on how to give head. Learn, learn, learn.

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