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Monday, June 16


More good news, I'm back working on Susan; proofing it and whatnot to prepare it to be sent out into the big scary world.

If you'd like to read the online version, just hit the BLOGHOME button above.

(Heehee, I just wrote butter, instead of button.)

(Mmmmmmm, butter, argululargul....)


Why is it, that I'm getting an error message, saying that I am forbidden to see my own fucking blog on this server.

What the fuck is up with that?

In other news, the new Monks start on USA this Friday.



Sunday, June 15

Maudry has a new nickname.

She drinks water from around the tub drain and the faucette drips onto her head. She and her sister are water cats so they don't mind being dripped on. Anyway, the water collects in her fur on back of her head. I've been calling her Puddlehead. She seems to like it, there is purring.

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