Did I mention that Di comes home today?
She does!
I was so upset about Peter and Samantha leaving I forgot to mention it. I did remember, I forgot to say anything here.
Saturday, August 30
Tactile friends
Peter and Samantha just left for Portland, OR. and I'm crying. As I was saying good-bye, Peter started to cry which, of course, made me well up more. I'm going to miss them. I know that they are a short plane ride away but it's further away than I like it.
I wish them all the luck in the world, I hope they are happier than they have ever been in Portland, but part of me wishes it wouldn't work out so they would come back.
I love you, two.
Friday, August 29
In the land of Nod...
I have painted my nails 5 times in the last two days. I am so bored. I'm watching The Omen Trilogy. I'm virus scanning my computer one file at a time.
I'm talking bored, people.
I rewrote one sentence at least a dozen times before eliminating it all together. Even now I'm thinking about rewriting it some more.
If I had cookies, I would eat them.
Jeeze, is it time to go to bed yet?
Thursday, August 28
Long story short: No movie yesterday, brief hang out today with the moving couple, and I'm sleepy.
Re-editing novel, enjoying the story, joined a critique group to help and get help and want to start something new.
Wednesday, August 27
Another Day
Hey all. No much to report today. I'm still in my jammies and still drinking my morning coffee. Samantha and Peter might be coming over today -- after 3 -- to watch Bowling for Cominbine. I don't know when I'll know if they are coming, so I really should get moving but I'm not really awake.
Oh, I've been up and around since 10:30, but my brain still feels asleep.
I need to vaccuume.
Monday, August 25
"Lisa, if you don't like your job, you don't
strike. You just go in every day and do it
really half-assed. That's the American
way!" Well, you're really really lazy. You
manage to get by, but you never put any effort
into anything you do. You most likely enjoy
watching TV, sleeping, eating, and doing stuff
of the sort. Get active. You're a fat, lazy
Which Advice Quote said by Homer Simpson are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, August 24
I'm feeling so sad right now.
I spent the day with Peter and Samantha and it made me extremely aware that I want someone to love. I want someone's hand to hold, I want to be able to request a kiss and receive it without having to wrestle someone to the floor first. I want someone to worry about me when I'm not feeling well.
And the other way around.
I feel so alone. I haven't felt this low in a long time. I want to curl up and cry.