Newly thought up, but rejected pick up line: Is your penis cold? Perhaps it would like to be somewhere warm and wet.
Saturday, November 8
Wednesday, November 5
I've been meaning to put this site on my list but I haven't yet so I'll put it here. That 1 Guy. He's a They Might Be Giants kinda guy -- he plays one instument which is computerized and maked out of (as far as I can tell) normal metal pipes. Those of you with DSL and cable hook up should take a look at the video. I think dial up might be too slow.
Also, Charles was wonderful on KFOG this morning, I'd say he was awesome, but I'm trying to stop using that word. He was on for the full hour and was funny and personable -- I hope KFOG will take this as a hint of what he can do with an hour.
Sunday, November 2
Charles is going to be on the radio on Wednesday, November 5, doing that Social Grace thing. 7am PST, so that's 10am for you kids on the east coast. I'm getting up to listen, I think you should too: Then hit the Click to Listen button. You might have to register, but it'll be worth it, I swear.