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Thursday, November 20

Rick. Rick has trouble sleeping, too.


Oh, look -- it's 10 to 4 and I'm awake.

I'm a mess. Are bad sleep habits contagious? There's Di, Tavie, and Ben who all have trouble sleeping, granted I only see one of these people on a regular basis, but could I be getting it from her?

And I'm wide-a-fucking-wake, too.

I'm drinking warm milk (warm half and half with some water to cut the cream, but whatever) in the form of hot cocoa. I'm at the point that I'll try pretty much anything.

If anyone has any pointers, let me know.

That would be pointers on falling and staying asleep, I don't need to get pointers on decoupage or sky diving.


Tuesday, November 18

I've added a new link on the left side of the screen, it's to the Joe Klocek site. It's not completely ready, but feel free to add the link on your blog and/or sites. By the time the search engines pick it up it will be ready for the public.


Monday, November 17

PS I am going back and forth on New Guy. Which is to say that I'd like to go back and forth on the New Guy but I don't know if it's the best thing that could happen. I think I'd like to do bad things to him with my tongue but it might ruin what friendship we have. We're scarsly friends yet, no movies, no hanging out at each other's homes, no trading of books -- these are all things that mean friendship to me. The "like" is there, but not much else. Since I don't know him well, do I want to put my tongue on him?

Yeah, I really do.



Overheard at an upscale grocery store, said by a woman, in her 30's, to a couple of small children (I'm talking 5 year olds here) who were whiny and crying about candy: Inner strength, guys.

What the fuck is that? What does that mean? Or more to the point, what can that possibly mean to a little kid? I wanted to smack the inner strength out of that woman until all she could do was lay on the upscale floor and shake like the stupid PC bitch she is.


And this is the kinder, gentler Rynn. Can you imagine?

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