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Tuesday, December 28

Shaun of the Dead review

What's the best part of Shaun of the Dead? As of December 21st it’s available on DVD!

I give the movie a solid 10 on the Pint-O-Meter and not just because I've had a solid 10 pints; the commentaries are almost as funny as the movie; the outtakes are hilarious and show how much of a giggler Simon Pegg is; and the TV Bits are so much fun you may forget that there's also a movie to watch.

Simon's Video Diary gives a view of the movie-making world that the public doesn't usually get to see. Top marks -- excuse me! -- full pints for giving us that.

The movie itself gives the world the kind of hero that we all could be; one that tries to do the right thing and save the people that he loves.

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