Thursday, Joe and I went to a bookstore and he bought me a couple of HTML books and a book called The Artist's Way.
I just started reading The Artist's Way but I can tell that I'm going to learn some good stuff. I am still having problems with the word "God." When I see it I try to translate it into something that I do believe in and doesn't conjure up bad feelings.
I haven't done much with the HTML books yet. I flipped through them in the store and gave them a slightly closer look once I got them home but I don't think I do much with them until I've finished The Artist's Way. Hell, it might even give me inspiration to learn the HTML.
Saturday, March 6
Tuesday, March 2
Zoloft is still making me tired as if I don't sleep, which I do. I have to say that this particular problem hasn't bothered me in a while, but the problem is that I still feel like I do. Have it. Trouble sleeping. Which I don't.
Am I making any sense? I feel like I'm talking in code.
It's a nice sunny day here, mid 50's at the moment, I haven't gone outside yet. I did shower so I have that out of the way so if I do decide to go for a walk I don't need to do a shower thing. Just go, go, go! To sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
With any luck I'll start hallucinating.