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1     U    Conspiracy Theories
2     R    Galactic Purification
3     U    Intelligent Warhead
4     C    Is it Alive?
5     R    Nebular Life Form
6     U    Retribution
7     C    Telepathic Vision
8     U    Vadwaur Attack Wing

9     R    Transient Rift
10   C    Quantum Singularity
11   U    Void Funnel

12   U    Bio-Dampener
13   R+  Bio-Matter Collector
14   C    DNA Scanner
15   U    Isomorphic Injector
16   R    Multi-Adaptive Shielding
17   R    Neural Solvent
18   C    Modified Type III Phaser Rifle
19   R+  Polaron Modulator
20   C    Rank Pip
21   R    Raven Dedication Plaque
22   U    Stasis Chamber
23   C    Stun Dart
24   R    Voth Spatial Displacers

25   U    Atonement
26   C    Cellular Toxin
27   U    Diplomatic Renegotiation
28   U    Nanoprobe Warheads
29   C    Phaser Enhancement
30   C    Species 8472 Telepathy
31   U    Void Alliance
32   R+  We Will Prevail
33   C    Weapons Platform
34   C    When Diplomacy Fails

35   C    Terrasphere


36   U    Borg Activation Sequence
37   R    Competition
38   R+  Elecro-dynamic Flow
39   C    Genetic Purity
40   U    Individuality
41   R    Ship Dampening Field
42   R+  Space Walking
43   U    The Void
44   R+  Your Galaxy Will Be Purged

45   R    Adapt: Triaxilate Shield Geometry
46   C    Assimilate Them
47   U    Piracy
48   U    Ship Destruction
49   R    Trans-Phasic Torpedoes

50   R+  Awaken Ancients
51   U    Defend New Arrivals
52   U    Investigate Species
53   C    Map Region
54   C    Navigate Safe Passage
55   R+  Negotiate Passage
56   R+  Prove Theory
57   U    Retrieve Supplies
58   U    Shore Leave
59   C    Trade Negotiations

60   R    Cloaked Observations
61   C    Cultivate Planet
62   U    Destroy Planet
63   C    Escape from The Void
64   R    Homeworld Infiltration
65   U    Open Singularity
66   R+  Study the Borg
67   R    Study The Impure
68   C    Suicide Run

69   R    Boothby Impersonator
70   C    Brok and Moti Infiltrators
71   R    Bullock Impersonator
72   U    Ensign David Gentry
73   C    Healer
74   C    Impersonator
75   C    Leader
76   U    Lt. Kemis
77   R    Pilot
78   C    Soldier
79   C    Thinker
80   R+  Valerie Archer
81   U    Worker

82   R+  Five of Twelve
83   R    Four of Twenty
84   R    One of Twenty
85   R    Three of Twelve
86   R+  Twenty of Twenty
87   R+  Artificial Doctor
88   R+  Captain Janeway
89   R+  Cha'ko'tay
90   U    Ensign Corez
91   U    Fighter Pilot Paris.
92   U    Interrigator Kim
93   U    Neelix the Rogue
94   R    Officer Tuvok
95   R+  Tuvix

96   R+  Annika Hensen
97   R+  Annika
98   R+  Axom
99   R+  Erin Hansen
100 U    Fantome
101 C    Frola
102 C    Gauls
103 R    Gedrin
104 U    Irene Hansen
105 C    Jesah
106 UR  Magnus Hansen
107 U    Miss Q
108 R+  Professor Forra Gegen
109 R    Q
110 U    Tedron
111 U    Torra Veer
112 C    Vaskin Ambassador
113 C    Void Creature
114 R    Young Q

Q-Icon Cards
115 U    Continuum Trubunal
116 U    Exemplary Q-ness
117 U    Spatial Fletcher

Ship - 8472
118 C    Battleship
119 C    Destroyer
120 U    The Behemoth

Ship - NA
121 R+  SS Raven
122 C    Vodwaur Fighter
123 R+  Voth City Ship
124 U    Voth Shuttle
125 R+  Warship Voyager

126 C    8472 Assistance
127 C    Bio Pulse Beam
128 C    Biogenic Weapon
129 C    Long Range Organic Artillery
130 C    Photonic Cannon
131 R    Torpedo Beam In
