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Here are some rather bad photos of me...
About me

Trek Today
UserFriendly - the BEST cartoon on the net

Edinburgh Buffy meet

'Adam's Arse' - Adam Cleaner, a friend of a couple of the meeters, saw us in the pub and decided to join in. He doesn't really watch Buffy or Angel, but he was a good laugh, and this is his arse. 'Adam Insane' - Adam again. Being insane. 'Hey you guys, Adam is on page 3!' - Adam, looking at the nekkid lady on page 3. These were on a Geocities site, so tags2k blanked out the titties just to be safe. Sorry everyone, you'll have to get your titty-looking fun elsewhere. 'Where's the joypad?' - Computer-type-people + playing actual physical sports where you have to move around = confusion. 'He's not actually drunk' - Boab, he's just some guy tags2k knows. He watches Buffy occasionally, and enjoys it very much when he does.
'You're a nithe boy' - This is Euan (otherwise known as ERThor11), doing his impression of somebody winking. 'A frozen corpse' - In fine #thehellmouth tradition there is spare body in case tripper turns up... This is the ERThor model. 'I love you guys' - Fiona (Boab's girlfriend), Andrew Cameron (tags2k) and then Boab. Trying to lick tags' ear. 'The Posse' - Geoff Eddy, Adam, and Andrew Hogg. This is the only picture of Geoff, because he left before we could take any more of him. He was lucky. 'There's a point where a wrist becomes *too* limp, you know' - Hoggy and me. Hoggy appears to be contemplating suicide.
'Hey! Screw you, buddy!' - Hoggy, showing us the love inside. 'Whose hand is that?' - Tags don't remember this picture being taken, but that's no surprise when you look at his face.
'Slurp' - Tags had asked Hoggy to suck a nut for him.
'Yay, this is going to be great!' - Me and Euan at the start of the night, just waiting for the fun. 'The fun isn't coming, is it?' - Me and Euan, looking slightly less enthused
'Grr arghh' - Euan seems justifiably afraid of tags2k - I'm looking silly 'Dazzled by choice' - Euan and I discover that the Southern Bar has half my music collection in jukebox form 'The bar-dude' - Tags' favorite barman 'Now that's just a waste of film' - Tags2k, standing on a seat. Don't tell Phil. 'There are now two goal areas' - Tags with his mouth open.
'Bless You' - Tags find the southern too dusty - sounds like Phil needs a dust-cloth 'Camera? - What camera?' - Tags wakes up 'Grr arghh' - What Euan was scared of. 'Something must be finger-lickin' good' - Alexander (Nutty Xander) and Hoggy. I've said it all in the caption. 'Grr arghh' - With Euan too far away, Tags preys on closer meat


A pic of my old band.

My old band - Andrew (bass/vocal), Adam (drums) and Me (Guitar)