My name is Evren Atabek.

I was born in Bursa, Turkey, on 6th July 1977. I finished Atatürk Primary School and Bursa Boy’s High School in Bursa. I studied machinery at Kocaeli University and graduated in 2000. I have been living in Bursa since my birth except two years at university.

I have been modeling since 1989. I have made a great number of models from pasteboard and kits. I developed many R.C. plane models after modeling was in progress in Bursa. I am fond of modeling of ships and cars. I use wood, aluminum and fiberglass as materials.

In fact, I am interested neither in aeronautics nor navigation. Yet, my aim is to produce new things and to see in what ways they work. Therefore, I am looking for a job, which depends on machinery in manufacturing.

      Apart from modeling, I studied a project of a computer-controlled hovercraft, which I called “bahar” and it was accepted as a graduate thesis at Kocaeli University. If I start construct it (hovercraft), I can complete it in 2 or 3 years time depending on the finance.

  Also, I have a project of developing a digital archive. I would like to save the articles from Tübitak Bilim & Teknikand Cumhuriyet Bilim & Teknik, serious weekly/mouthy serials in Turkey, cuttings of newspaper about science and technical thesis of doctorates in my computer. Since I have a big collection of those and they take too much room, I would like to record them on CD-Rom.

 P.S. Thank you for your visiting my web site! EVREN ATABEK ARŞİVİ TEMMUZ 2002