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For Webmasters

Fulcrum Shift

Hi, My name is Will and I am an average guy who has written a Fantasy novel called Fulcrum Shift. You can do it too! For inspiration go to my writers page.

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Fulcrum Shift by Will Kalif

 Fulcrum Shift
 Will Kalif
 New Fantasy Novel

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The Free and easy way to make your own website in less than 30 minutes.

Step 1: Print this webpage on your printer. I will be sending you off to other places and if you have this printed on paper it will be easy to refer to it.

Step 2: You will be going to a web hosting company shortly.. The company will give you 50 Megabytes of free webspace on their server. there are two catches: 1. You will have to allow them to put pop-up windows on your site and 2) you will not have a root level domain name like "". Your website address will be under their domain name so it will be something like this: I have already made this webpage so you can go take a look at it if you want. It will give you an idea of what your website will look like. And you can see the advertisements that they will put on your site. I think the advertisements are a small price to pay- seeing as they are allowing you to have a website for free on their server.

Go take a look at the free website I have created then come right back. There is a link on that page that will bring you back here or you can use the back button on your browser.

OKAY Now complete step 2 and go to the hosting company <Click here

Step 3: Now You are at

  • Look for the Get a free site button and click it.
  • You are at the new member signup. Fill out the information and give yourself a password. (Write this password down so you don't forget it.) and press submit.
  • 50Megs now offers you several options for pay extras and bonuses. Look through them and continue on
  • Select the button that says "Build a Website"
  • Now choose a template based on the type of site you want to build Hobby, resume, etc. A template is a preset look and layout of your page. It will give you a nice look and background - all you will have to do is type in the information and insert the pictures. Here is an example of one of the templates:

(template example)

  • For my page I chose "Custom Site" It gives you a little bit more control over how the site looks and feels. If this is all new to you then I suggest you choose one of the premade templates. You can browse through them until you decide which one you like.
  • After you choose your template it will become your home page. But you will want this to link to other pages and allows you to also set up other pages that automatically link to your home page. You are now asked to choose your sites pages like an about page, a photo page and a what's new page. These pages will appear as links. In the template illustration above they are the word links in the dark blue section.
  • Now choose a page to work on by selecting "Edit Page". Choose home page first.
  • A Page will appear. This is your home page on the internet! you can put in whatever content you like. It is as simple as that! Now fill it up with your content.
  • You click on the little red edit tags and enter the information or pictures you want.
  • When you are done making your first page click on save then click on quit
  • You can now continue the process with the other pages on your site such as the about page
  • Remember that at any time now or in the future you can change the template, colors, pictures or words in your site. just remember your password and where to go. 50megs will send you an email with all the necessary information.
  • Now admire your new website by visiting it! And don't forget to email all your friends and tell them about it.







Lots of Resources for webmasters

Will's Picks at

Learning Web Design : A Beginner's Guide to HTML, Graphics, and Beyond -- by Jennifer Niederst, Richard Koman; Paperback

Web Design in a Nutshell -- by Jennifer Niederst; Paperback

Web Design for Dummies (For Dummies) -- by Lisa Lopuck; Paperback

Creating Web Pages for Dummies (6th Edition) -- by Arthur Bebak, et al; Paperback

Microsoft FrontPage 2002 for Dummies (With CD-ROM) by Asha Dornfest (Paperback - June 2001)

Web Site Design Goodies by Joe Burns


Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.0 Anniversary Edition by Jasc Software (This is a really great, inexpensive art program that gives you professional tools at a budget price. I use this program for all my web art needs)

Dreamweaver 4.0/Fireworks 4.0 Studio by Macromedia

Microsoft FrontPage 2002 by Microsoft

Free Clip Art

Free Fantasy Animations

Free sound effects