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Brian Henson of course :) David Kemper (affectionally hereafter known as ~DK~ This is the man {or God?}that truely gives us our Farscape.
Considering DK is 'just' a writer, he did a phenominal job as MC of the 3 day convention. He was engaging, funny and overall simply enjoyable. It's easy to see with this guy at the helm of Farscape, why Farscape has skyrocketed so far beyond anything else before. He is the essense, the glue that makes Farscape. 
I have to say that I have finally forgiven him for killing Aeryn {DMD}, and causing such massive overwhelming heartbreak amongst the legion of Sunworshipers. .And even though he has a strong penchant for killing characters right and left, I'll forevermore look forward eagerly to his episodes, albeit, with several boxes of Kleenix and valium beside the chair...