East Nighon
Unless otherwise specified, most pictures are done in pencil and graphically adjusted for better viewing.
NEW! 11/30-Angel of Loyalty
10/14-Griffeth's New Armor.
10/14-Compassion. Click here for artist's commentary.
10/13-Newest version of Salis.
Portrait of a basic character design for Gemini.
Griffeth sporting his standard duds, minus the armor and gear.
Intro to Myrddin Twins. First attempt to capture Griffeth and Saeth together. Watch out!
Lysandra and Griffeth showing off their gear and 'tudes.
Brian's character Milton all about the schmooze!
First good re-take of Salis Cormick.
(Preview) Striding Salis
Flux Gryphon's Nook - Index
Literature of Flux Gryphon - Index
Stuff Box - Index