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Arlen Baethan

Concept: Kaia’s hot-headed but steadfastly loyal, strong-arm companion. Sometimes he may get in over his head, but make no mistake, he’s a fierce combatant if ever there was one. He specializes in pole arms and spears, and the occasional barroom brawl.
Symbol: Red Boar
Vital Stats: 6’02”, 210 lbs., shortly cropped fuzzy light brown hair, hazel eyes.
Birthdate & Age: Unknown, 26 years old.
Race/Homeworld: Human, Tethas
Meaning of Name: "Arlen"=Celtic "pledge"; "Baethan"=Irish "foolish"


Fusses with his hair when he’s thinking, wears red, orange, and black colors, likes showing off in front of Kaia, likes red meat, and puts his trust in what he can see (empirical).

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