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Kaia Brooks

Concept: Lady Brooks is well versed in the ways of the wilderness. She also has a way with animals. And a bow and arrow. But especially animals. She’s rather out of her element among the urban element, however, and can sometimes be a little naïve when it comes to human agendas.
Symbol: Stream in the Forest
Vital Stats: 5’10”, 160 lbs., long flowing doe-brown hair, gray-blue eyes.
Birthdate & Age: Unknown, 24 years old.
Race/Homeworld: Human, Tethas
Meaning of Name: "Kaia"=Greek "earth"; "Brooks"=English "running water"


Sleepy drinker, has three wavy blue lines as a tattoo on the back of her left shoulder, admires felines, finds water (streams, lakes, ponds, etc.) soothing, and dislikes being alone.

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