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Physical Characteristics

To be announced...

First flush with a physical concept is that these people look like reptiles but are actually somewhat bird-like, resembling a kind of dinosaur. They have somewhat pebbled skin with feathers patterned in the likeness of duck-like waterfowl. Males tend to have brighter colors, whereas females are more subdued browns and grays. Presently, their physical build and posture has yet to be firmly decided upon.

General Evaluation

Dreg’num and humans have a somewhat tense relationship. Beyond the Fringe are the Dreg’num lands, of which they are covertly territorial. Recently, the small human settlements along the Fringe are suffering from Dreg’num raids aiming at gathering a select group of people rather than conquest and pillage. As human society in the region is largely unorganized, no one knows what reasons lie behind the attacks, or what happens to those who are taken.


towards the higher end of TL5 and lower end of TL6. They utilize a strange technology that somehow extracts energy from Tethan water with a byproduct of thermal air. This is use to power their land craft, which essentially resemble automobiles or cargo vans with tank tread. Curiously, their weapons and armor are no more advanced than the humans, except that they have no understanding of gun powder. Some suspect this discrepancy in technology is due to what their mysterious allies the Te’lessir were willing to impart to the Dreg’num. A few forays into converting the “Water Breeze” technology used to power their vehicles into projectile weapons are in effect, but none have been successful enough to safely reproduce (TL4). Medicine is essentially of the same level as the humans.

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