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Agents of science, shrouded in secrets.Te'lessir

Physical Characteristics

They stand about five feet tall and wear thick mottled moth gray, and cardboard brown velvas (Tethan material resembling heavy canvas of hemp with a soft velvet texture) robes that conceal the particulars of their figure. Completely hairless, they are pale-skinned (but not white) and have black orbs with highlights of stars as eyes set under a bony brow in nearly square skull. Curiously, they appear to have no mouths. Each hand has three long fingers with no distinguishing features such as nails or talons, and each foot has two toes also without nails or talons.

General Evaluation

These creatures do not seem malevolent by nature, nor intentionally hostile. Whatever their agenda is, they keep it to themselves.


Comparatively advanced to other existing civilizations on Tethas, their Tech Level varies widely depending on the field. For the most part, their specialty lies in biological science where they have managed to alter themselves to achieve levels of psionic (principally telepathic, but secondary electrokinesis, healing, and teleportation) ability. Thus they have a medical TL of 9. Though they seem to be allies of the Dreg’num, they are not at all war-faring (tending toward a defensive rather than offensive mindset) and hence have not advanced much in the way of physical warfare. If a situation ever came by that a Te’lessir would be forced to fight, it would likely defend itself via psionics rather than use a weapon. For power, they rely on the “Water Breeze” tech as well as some amount of hydroelectric (TL6).

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