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Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser


Cost in Credits:  900 MC

Production Time:  3 Weeks

Monthly Upkeep:  45 MC


Length:  600 Meters

Crew:  2,783

Troops:  80

Ground Units:



Shields:  1,200 Points

Hull:  900 Points

Power Systems:  600 Points



            80 Laser Cannons (1/80)

            4 Gravity Well Projectors


Sensor Systems:

            Type 2 Sensor

            Type 1 Transmitter


Launch Bays:


1 Small Bay

Onboard Craft:

            1 TIE Interceptor Squadron

            1 TIE Avenger Squadron

            2 Lambda-class Shuttles


Special Capabilities:


The Interdictors gravwells can control 25% of a system’s space lanes.  The source of the gravwells cannot get nearer then 12 hours to a planet’s atmosphere due to the affect of the gravwells upon the atmosphere.  Any nearer and the gravwells are pre-designed to shut down.  It takes 12 hours to travel from the rim to the source of a gravwell for a capital ship, half for a starfighter.  While bring grav wells up is instantaneous, it will take 12 hours in between lowering and re-raising grav wells.